Future Insight Newsletter

What is “Consul-Coaching”?

What is “Consul-Coaching”?  Educating Leaders in ©“Infinitive Future Source Thinking”!

1)      Consul for B.A.C.U.P. the Future Pty Ltd =

  • a)      A Corporate Consul:

An appointed official operating in a particular realm as a paid consular guest to share commercial and other business interests, from the official's own expertise and future source thinking to, analyse, recommend, equip, guide, advance and protect the particular realms enterprises, products, services, industries, markets, etc., its IP and staff development, to define and incorporate company/business innovation, strength and growth for development future, power, position and forward longevity etc.

  • b)      A Personal Consul:

An appointed official operating in consulship to a particular person such as a CEO or other individual executives, including business or company owners etc, as a paid personal consular guest, to share individually customised information in personal consultation and to introduce the fundamentals of ©Infinitive Future Source Thinking from B.A.C.U.P. the Future Pty Ltd, at F.C.L.A. “Future Class Leadership Academy”.

Contact the “Consul” now! Ph: 02 9898 0681 Em: johnfergusson@bacup.com.au


2)      Coaching for B.A.C.U.P. the Future Pty Ltd =

  • a)      Group Executive Coaching:

Training by an appointed official as a paid coaching guest who teaches special skills, especially ones connected with performing in public, handling sensitive situations, dealing with difficult people and developing leadership prowess etc.  Generally a coach is someone who trains an individual or team.

  • b)      Individual (one-on-one) Executive Coaching:

Training an executive by an appointed official as a paid coaching guest who teaches on how to deal with influential emotional problems, dominant interpersonal relationships, exercise of self-control, self-management and in-source thinking.  To teach a person a special skill, especially one connected with performing in public, a particular subject, a personal skill especially in order to help them prepare for an examination, a presentation and/or the development of personal skills in telling someone what to say or do in a particular situation, the training of leaders and encouragement of performers etc., and to educate leaders in the use of the power of, ©“Infinitive Future Source Thinking”, at F.C.L.A.

Contact the “Coach” now! Ph: 02 9898 0681 Em: johnfergusson@bacup.com.au


©John R Fergusson

Director & CEO

©“B.A.C.U.P. the Future Consul-Coaching”.